Student Support
Wolfson’s student support includes academic and pastoral support, and a range of health, welfare and wellbeing support.
- College Tutors
Every student at Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çis assigned a personal College Tutor. Tutors are the lynchpin of the College's pastoral system and can offer help and advice on any matter — academic, financial, personal and social. They keep regular office hours during term and can also make individual appointments outside those hours by appointment.
Visit the Tutorial team webpage for more information about the tutorial services available to students in College.
- Academic support
Undergraduate academic support revolves around the Directors of Studies, who coordinate your academic programme.
Postgraduate academic support includes mentoring, networking opportunties, workshops to improve your academic English, and the chance present your work at research seminars.
The WolfWorks programme is coordinated by the Librarian and Academic Skills Librarian, and provides targeted advice for Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çstudents to build their academic skill set.
- Examinations
The Undergraduate Examinations Guide webpage contains useful information about the undergraduate examination period, from candidate numbers and ECFs to quiet study spaces in College and where to find more information.
- Financial support
Information regarding scholarships, hardship funds, travel and research grants, as well as bursaries for music, languages and sports are available on our financial support pages.
For guidance regarding your College account, making payments for course fees and accommodation, as well as registering educational loans, please visit our payments and fees webpage.
- Health and wellbeing support
A range of support is available for all Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çstudents, provided by the College's welfare team. You can find out more about the support available in College via the following pages:
- Physical health, injury and illness, including College Nurse details
- Mental health and wellbeing, including Student Wellbeing Advisor details
- Sexual health, including contraceptives, STI tests, or cases of sexual harassment or assault
- Our Chaplaincy team, who are on hand to provide a listening ear and support to College members on request.
- Intermission
During the course of your studies you may find that you are unable to continue because of a health condition (physical or mental), disability-related issues, bereavement, financial reasons, or another serious reason.
In these circumstances, you can apply for permission to take time out of your studies, which is referred to as intermission.
- Part-time students
We believe our support for part-time students is amongst the best in Cambridge. Part-time students are welcome to participate in College life and the community at Wolfson.
- Students with disabilities
Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çaims to support all students with disabilities, and assistance is available at a University-level from the Accessibility & Disability Resource Centre (ADRC), as well as at the College-level from a variety of staff and student contacts. Find out more on our Support for students with disabilities page.
- Students with families
Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çis a great place to study in Cambridge with a family, with dedicated resources, couples flats, and funding available. Find out more on our Students with Families page.

Student Services
Services at Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çinclude academic affairs, accommodation, finance, IT, maintenance and certification of student status.
- Academic affairs, exams and graduations
Students' academic affairs, including matriculations, graduations, intermissions, and postgraduate and undergraduate (written) examinations are all managed by the Tutorial team.
- Accommodation and housekeeping
Information about College accommodation can be found on our accommodation webpages. Details regarding housekeeping and cleaning schedules can be found on the housekeeping pages.
- IT services
The IT team at Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çis available to help with your computer and IT-related queries. Please contact us by sending an email to the IT helpdesk.
- Library services
Wolfson's Lee Seng Tee Library is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all College members. There are around 50 study spaces over two floors and a new outdoor area with 16 spaces for quiet study.
The Library also runs an academic skills programme including WolfWorks skills workshops, as well as offering one-to-one and group sessions from the Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çWriting Centre.
- Payments and fees
The Finance Office is responsible for students' College accounts, guiding students in making payments for course fees and accommodation, as well as registering educational loans.
- Policies, misconduct and complaints
College Policies are intended to ensure that guidelines and rules for behaviour are clearly stated and applied consistently. There are policies covering:
- Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedure
- Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
- Drug and Alcohol Use
- Smoking
- Relationships Between Staff and Students
- Unsatisfactory Academic Performance
- Fitness to Study
Students wishing to make a comment or complaint about the College's policies or services, either academic or non-academic, can do so via the Comments and Complaints webpage.
- Maintenance and repairs
The Maintenance Department looks after all College building-related needs, from maintenance on the properties to refurbishments and new builds. College members can file a request for maintenance or repairs via the .
- Student status letters (banking, council tax, parking permit)
Students can request a letter from the College certifying their status for a variety of reasons, including Council Tax exemption, visa applications or to register with the GP. Please complete the following form to request a .
There is a separate form for proof of student status in order to . The banks request the term address on the banking letter to be in a particular format. Please see the below examples of an address format that banks will accept. Please ensure you amend your term address on camsis if it does not comply with the below.
Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çAccommodation External Accommodation (Room Number)
Barton Road
Street Address
Town/City (for example, Cambridge)
County (for example, Cambridgeshire)
Post Code (for example, CB3 9BB)
In line with University policy, car parking permits will only be issued by the Deputy Senior Tutor to those who meet the required criteria. Please note that this policy has been updated in August 2024. To apply for a parking permit, please complete the car parking application form and return it to the Tutorial Office in Bredon House.
- Student taxi bookings
Student taxis are available for ongoing medical issues to enable transport to and from departments or educational events related to your studies. The college could also pay at its discretion for travel to and from medical appointments. Furthermore, the college will also consider taxi booking requests for any other extenuating circumstances (for example, religious purposes, etc) which will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Students should firstly speak to their tutor and seek approval for the taxi bookings before submitting the form. The request will then be reviewed by the Deputy Senior Tutor (Tania Davies) for final approval.
Your application’s supporting medical evidence will need to be checked by either your Tutor, the College Nurse, or the Student Wellbeing Advisor. You will need to request an email to demonstrate that your evidence has been viewed and approved. Your application will also require an email from your Tutor approving the taxi booking. This email must include approval of the timeframe and number of journeys per a week. Both pieces of evidence must be submitted to James Wood in PDF format.
Once your application has been approved all taxi bookings need to be requested via the Porters' Lodge who will book the taxi on your behalf.
Student taxis are not able to be utilised for personal errands or social purposes. Taxis used for personal errands or social purposes will be credited/charged to the student's college account. Students should book their own taxis for personal errands or social purposes and should not be asking the Porters' Lodge Staff to book taxis on their behalf.
Any requests for a taxi in an emergency situation (for example, going to Accident & Emergency) can find further information here.
- Printing services
Printing services are available to all students that can be found in the library. You will be able to print to printers in any of the following using your MCS login.
You must have credit in your account to be able to print. Student can add credit to their account by visiting the (you must be on a University/College network to access this).
If you have been charged for pages which have not printed, contact the IT Department with details of what you tried to print and when, and they will check your printing records and refund money as appropriate.
Please be aware that any credits you have paid for are non-refundable.
For further information, the University's printing webpage can be found . This page also includes printing costs.